Summer and Tattoos in Tucson

Summer is here and the 100+ temperatures are the new norm. Some of you will likely be taking trips to some nice california beaches and some of you will head to the midwest. Its still a great time to be in AZ. The constant sunshine and heat is the perfect time to go swimming and that is the perfect excuse not to get a tattoo. Well believe it or not, there is a cure. No need to sacrifice swimming and no need to sacrifice your new tattoo. you can have your cake and eat it too. Ask me how when you come in for your tattoo, and i promise you wont be disappointed!

Tough Manly Sexy Lantern Color Leg Tattoos
Red Lantern Tattoo By David Meek at Fast Lane Tattoo in Tucson
Red Rose cover up foot tattoo
Here is a rose cover up tattoo that i freehanded onto the customers foot and up her ankle.
Here is another freehand red rose cover up on a girls wrist
I originally did this tattoo about 5 yrs ago. I recently got the chance to rework the face.I still need another pass on the headband dress and background. A lot has changed over the years.

Thanks for checking out some of my work and as always if you would like to make and appointment please contact me via the contact page or directly at the shop



Fast Lane Tattoo

3801 N Oracle Rd

Tucson Az



6 years and counting

Tough masculine Rose and autumn fall leaves chest color tattoo by David Meek at Fast Lane Tattoo in Tucson Arizona
Tough masculine Rose and autumn fall leaves chest color tattoo by David Meek at Fast Lane Tattoo in Tucson Arizona

May 11th will mark my 6 years as a tattooer. I would love to commemorate this by tattooing something awesome! If you are interested in getting tattooed to celebrate the occasion please email me your ideas! I’m looking to do a large 1 sitting custom color tattoo. The more the merrier but dont waste any time dilly dallying, this day only comes once a year and will fill up quick!



fast lane tattoo

3801 N Oracle rd

Tucson Az 85705


Tucson Tattoos

The Tucson Tattoo Expo has come and gone, but that weekend will always be remembered. First off, Congratulations to my dude Clint_S for taking home 2nd place best traditional tattoo. Next year Boo boo needs to go up pantless and they will probably win 1st. But the best part of the weekend was when my boss Fastlane Jim and I scored my first Harley! Im so fucking pumped on this thing and cant wait to put together a sick 70s style chopper! So congrats to Clint and fuckin huge thanks to fastlane jim. As for the rest of you, if you want to party down with some of  Tucsons best tattoos, come by Fast Lane Tattoo on Oracle.  Im in the shop Tuesday through Saturday from 11a-10p. later dudes


fast lane tattoo

3801 n oracle rd

tucson az 85705


my new project, 1971 harley davidson ironhead rigid chop. cant wait to make it groovy
my new project, 1971 harley davidson ironhead rigid chop. cant wait to make it groovy
best tucson tattoos tough manly sexy dagger tattoo
fun little dagger i put together

Happy 2013 from David Meek Tattoos

really fun hand saving from hell by david meek tattoos at true til death tattoo co in ashtabula ohio

Happy new years from all of us here at After almost a year long wait its finally here….2013.  And before the year end review bandwagon passes, and leaves us awkardly posting stuff that is “so last year” we thought we’d share some of our favorite moments from 2012. Leave a reply and let us know what your favorite piece of 2012 was.




Realistic cover up full color Darth Vader Star Wars half sleeve tattoo by David Meek tattoos True Til Death tattoo Company Ashtabula Ohio
custom skull and roses half sleeve by David Meek Tattoos
creepy skull tattoo on shoulder by david meek tattoos
creepy skull tattoo on shoulder by david meek tattoos
cool skull tattoos on shoulder
cool skull tattoos on shoulder
Traditional crown tattoo by David Meek Tattoos

2012-12-14 11.14.32

custom traditional star trek starship enterprise tattoo by David Meek Tattoos
Custom Color swooping owl chest tattoo by David Meek Tattoos Tucson Arizona

2012-12-11 12.33.10

couple of walrus dorks at sushi
couple of walrus dorks at sushi
Healed Banjo Rose and Billiards ball and cue tattoo by David meek tattoos True Til Death tattoo Company Ashtabula Ohio
Realistic Black and Grey Skin Rip tear Gear Head tattoo by David Meek tattoos True Til Death Tattoo Company Ashtabula Ohio
Custom Illustrative Halloween Jack O Lantern Tattoo by David Meek Tattoos true til Death tattoo Company Ashtabula Ohio
Traditional phoenix tattoo by David Meek True Til Death Tattoo Company Ashtabula Ohio
Traditional skull dagger and anchor by David Meek True Til Death Tattoo Company Ashtabula Ohio
favorite tools of 2012
favorite tools of 2012
Custom Traditional tattooed hand holding drum sticks by David Meek True Til Death Tattoo Company Ashtabula OHio
Meeting Of the Marked tattoo Convetnion Pittsburgh Pa
Custom Illustrative Blood Diamond and Wings filler Chest tattoo by David Meek
True Til Death Tattoo Company Ashtabula Ohio
Realistic Black and Grey Rose Shoulder Tattoo by David Meek at True Til Death Tattoo Company Ashtabula Ohio
Custom Illustrative Lightbulb Candle Flame and Rose Tattoo By David Meek Tattoos at True Til Death Tattoo Company Ashtabula Ohio
Realistic Memorial Black and Grey Portrait with Butterflies and Ribbon Tattoo by David Meek Tattoos at True Til Death Tattoo Company Ashtabula Ohio
Realistic Memorial Black and Grey Portrait Tattoo by David Meek Tattoos at True Til Death Tattoo Company Ashtabula Ohio
Custom Illustrative Indian Girl Head by David Meek Tattoos at True Til Death Tattoo Company Ashtabula Ohio
Custom Illustrative skull and wrench tattoo by david Meek Tattoos at True Til Death Tattoo Compnay Ashtabula Ohio
cleveland Zoo
cleveland Zoo
Custom Illustrative hourglass and rose tattoo by David Meek Tattoos at True Til Death Tattoo Company Ashtabula Ohio
gave my love a painting for her birthday!
gave my love a painting for her birthday!
Really fun Illustrative skull rose and flame tattoo by David Meek Tattoos at True Til Death Tattoo Company Ashtabula Ohio
Custom Illustrative color lotus coverup leg tattoo by david Meek at True til Death Tattoo Company Ashtabula Ohio
gave my angel a rose!
gave my angel a rose!

2012-07-27 21.45.30

Traditional Hula Girl Pinup Tattoo by David Meek tattoos at True Til Death Tattoo Company Ashtabula Ohio
Custom heart locket and key color foot tattoo by David Meek Tattoos at True Til Death Tattoo Company Ashtabula Ohio
Traditonal freehand girlhead tattoo by David Meek
Custom traditional Ship through the storm half sleeve tattoo by david meek
Rose of no mans land tattoo by David Meek Tattoos
Roses and Microphone rib tattoo by David Meek

2012-05-27 18.23.39 2012-05-05 21.55.03

scrapple capitol sonscrapital!
scrapple capitol son
black anchor tattoo phone party may  denton MD
black anchor tattoo phone party may denton MD
easter princess
easter princess
Hangin with boxcar! Allentown Pa march 2012
Hangin with boxcar! Allentown Pa march 2012
with my love on the jersey shore march 2012
with my love on the jersey shore march 2012
toms river new jersey march 2012   oysters and beer yum
toms river new jersey march 2012 oysters and beer yum
snow in tucson early 2012 is
snow in tucson early 2012 is
realistic black and grey day of the dead girl head by david meek
Arizona saguaro and cactus wren tattoo by david meek
Traditional Lighthouse lightning arm tattoo by David Meek
Japanese Koi Fish black and grey half sleeve tattoo by David Meek…horimouja reference tucson arizona
Japanese Koi Fish black and grey half sleeve tattoo by David Meek…horimouja reference
Realistic black and grey song bird tattoo by David Meek in Tucson Arizona
Traditional anchor and shield memorial tattoo by David Meek in tucson Arizona
Custom Traditional Arizona desert monsoon chest tattoo by David Meek in Tucson Arizona

2012-01-26 15.34.39 2012-01-21 12.52.50

birthday cake my lady made almost a year ago
birthday cake my lady made almost a year ago
Realistic black and grey owl portrait by David Meek in Tucson Arizona
Traditional Sailor Jerry Devil Tattoo by David Meek In Tucson Arizona
Traditional Sailor Jerry Pinup Tattoo by David Meek Tattoos in Tucson Arizona
Harry Potter patronus tattoo by David Meek Tattoos in Tucson Arizona

thanks for looking! I look forward to your replies!

David is also taking appointments for January and February. Visit the contact page to get the process started

Happy New Year

and dont forget to check out