Back to the grind in Tucson!

Well after being out of town for 7 days the old adage remains true. There is no place like home. I arrived in Pittsburgh on Monday the 24th  around 3pm to be greeted by my best pal Kernal Tubbs and Adon Curley. After a brief catch up moment we were in the car at around 100 laughs per minute. I dont remember laughing so much ever. Maybe it was the lack of sleep, the time change, or the mushmouth jokes coming from a couple of good ol boys (whose sole purpose it would seem), is to butcher what the rest of the civilized world calls the English Language. Perhaps a combination of all three but hysterical none the less. I miss these guys for a reason.

We ended up getting back to Ohio that night and hung out at the FX Tattoos til close. I miss working there so bad. The lobby is smothered in awesome flash and the hallway is draped with original artwork dedicated to the shop. It is such a rad place. We ended up tattooing there til Wednesday hanging out with some of my old customers and meeting some new faces. Everyone was super nice. By the time Wednesday came  there were 5 additional artists from different states all meeting at Tubbsys shop to get ready for Pittsburgh. It was tight quarters for sure but we liked it that way.(eeewwww)

Thursday night in Pittsburgh was the beginning of the end, and included some back alley haircuts with broken shards of glass, kidnapping a steelers fan, and a few cocktails to get the weekend started. If that was a sign of things to come we were all doomed.

Friday brought us all together again in the ballroom ready for action. It was a lot for me to take in still. Every time I see my booth in line with all the heavy hitters I wonder if I can hold my own, and honestly I still dont know. As for Saturday and Sunday the weekend picked up and lots of people came through aisles. It seemed like everybody was doing something amazing. Its nice to see everyone doing great work and having a good time together. I think thats what gives me the biggest rush, the sense of community I feel.

There were so many major details that and funny stories that eventually brain whiskey soaked brain had to push  some of them to the way back to make room for new ones. In the end I took away a re-enforced feeling of camaraderie, some awesome new reference from Kernal Tubbs and Lowercase J, some new flash from Joe Thompson, a gallon of new friends and a new nickname. Lets hope its doesnt stick to well. haha. You can bet you’ll find me there next year. Its well worth all the Mexican jokes.

Special thanks to (In order of appearance)
Jr and Mandi Tubbs, Dustin Arnett, Jeremy Seese, Josh Pyle, Billy, Adon Curley, Dan Paone, Josh Fallon, Krooked Ken, Tim Beck, Zane Leibowitz, Johnny Fry, Nate Deal, Kevin Chasek, Erich Foster, John Hogan, Lowercase J, Seth Leibowitz, Jeff Cornell, Charliegrrl, Josh, Tim Azinger, Joe Thompson, Pete Larkin, Desmond Mooney, and of course Wes ( the steelers fan i kidnapped). Im probably forgetting a couple of rad people so thanks to everyone that was awesome to me! Im very blessed to know you all.

David Meek basking in the glory of his regurgitation during a late night.
Moment Immortalized by Desmond Mooney

Ashtabula Ohio and Pittsburghs Meeting of the Marked

It seems as though there is never enough time in a day when you want to do something awesome. I feel like I am so behind on artwork and only have 5 days left til my journey begins. In case you don’t recall i will be headed to Ohio to tattoo a bunch of friends and get tattooed by my pal Kernal Tubbs. Then we will all be off to Pittsburgh to the Meeting of the Marked Tattoo Expo.  I have no appointments scheduled in Pittsburgh so come on by if you want to chat or get tattooed.

In other news i just finished my book that will be for sale in Ohio and Pittsburgh. Its titled Flora Pour Ehemplo, a sketchbook of Birth flowers and line drawings. Im super excited to have finally put this thing together after putting it off for over a year. It will be a limited to only 50 copies and will come with a limited edition print for $50. All books will be hand signed and numbered. I will also have a couple of oil paintings and limited prints for sale as well as a couple of wooden plaques and limited prints of those too. All limited art will be signed and numbered and never produced again. Once its gone its gone so be sure to grab some original art or limited prints while you can.
Flora Pour Ehemplo, a sketchbook of birth flowers by David Meek Tattoos

And another little side note. I haven’t confirmed it personally but I’ve been told that a skull rendering I did in the spring of 2010 has been included in the book Cranial Visions. If you don’t have it, get it. Its a great reference for skulls and I think I have a piece in it.

5×7 skull. Marker and colored pencil on watercolor paper.
Skull Painting by David Meek Tattoos featured in Cranial Visions

All in all Im just really excited to see and hang out with a bunch of good people, Johnny,Zane, Ken, Erich, Cooper, Tim, Seth, Joe, Kevin, and Nate. And anyone else that is awesome!! see youse guys soon!


October is here!

Now that October is here the Arizona heat is finally starting to die down. The average temps are now in the upper 80’s and lower 90’s. I know that doesn’t sound like October weather but after 3 months of 110 its glorious. This is also the month that Clint S and myself will be doing a wee bit of traveling. Heading northeast to Ohio and heading to Pittsburgh for the Meeting of the Marked Tattoo Expo. Im really excited to see one of my best friends in this business JR Tubbs . Working with him was one of the greatest experiences of my career and knowing him is one of the greatest honors of my life. Ive learned to Tattoo and “act” like a man. haha. Its gonna be a great week. If you are in the Northeast Ohio area or Pittsburgh Pa area from the 24th-31st let me know. Id love to do some awesome tattoos on ya or at the very least, Ill let you buy me a beer. Im always down for Realistic Tattoos, Portrait Tattoos, Animal Tattoos, Traditional Tattoos, Rose Tattoos, Skull Tattoos and anything else you can think of.

Here is a little tattoo I did Saturday night. It looks like a man did it.

Traditional Ship Tattoo By David Meek



This month i put on a raffle to benefit a friend of mine struck by a train in North Carolina. Being a 1 man operation my efforts were small but deliberate. I managed to raise just under $500 bucks for my pal Dan Roberson. With a now 4month old son and not working for at least another 6 weeks, every little bit helps.

Id like to thank everyone that participated in my fundraising efforts:

Nichole, Britney, Carla, Nathan, Ned, Ben, Cyndi, Stephan, and Bobbie. In addition to the raffle I auctioned a handful of origianls that I had painted and as of today the winners are Bryce, Rebekah, T.O Roberson, and Bobbie yet again.
And now the moment we’ve all been waiting for the winner of $400 worth of tattooing by me is…………………
Ned Jaquish… Hell yeah man. Congrats to you and again I want to thank EVERYONE that bought tickets. Youre all winners to  me and everyone that bought a ticket will recieve $20 off of their next tattoo of $100 or more.

Only 1 week left!!!

Its getting to be that time… The Dan Roberson Benefit Tattoo Raffleis coming to a close. With 8 days left the chances are looking pretty darn good for anyone that got in while the gettin was good. That doesnt mean its over, not by a long shot. At $20 bucks a ticket there is still a chance for anyone to get on board. Dont wait, get your tickets today. We are so close to having a months rent paid clear for my pal.

I also have finished some new artwork for the art auction. I am super stoked on the response from the auction. As of now i think every piece Ive uploaded has been spoken for. And there is still more coming. I just finished a 9 piece magnet set valued $90 with the opening bid at $25 buckaroos. Quite the value.
In travel news, it has become official that my pal Clint Schliecher will be joining me at FX tattoos in Ashtabula OH, October 25th and 26th. and Pittsburgh Pa at the Meeting Of the Marked Tattoo Expo  October 28th-30th. I am taking appointments for both here. I will be unvieling a project Ive had in the works for a few weeks, some new art and with any luck some merchandise. I am truly excited to see all my friends in Ashtabula, Pittsburgh and beyond. Its been too long.
And of course the social media update, as always you can find me on facebook. But now you can follow me on twitter @davidmeekart, and follow me on the next wave at google+! I look forward to seeing you all at the shop or on the road or somewhere in cyber space.
9 piece magnet set valued at $90… bidding starts at $25 bucks here
5×7 girlhead. Bidding starts at $25 here

Twitter Pated

So in the last week the Dan Roberson Tattoo Benefit has slowed down a bit. We were able to raise over $200 in the first week alone, but he needs more. He is out of work for at least a few months and My goal is to make one of those months rent and worry free. If you would like to send him well wishes you can send them here. or you can check out some art for auction at my facebook page. The art is going quickly with $100 being pledged in the 1st hour. Im not sure ill be able to keep up with the demand of painting for the benefit as well as for me and other projects, but Ill give her hell.

In other news i have created a twitter account that Im quickly growing more fond of. I wasnt sure about it, but Ive come around. You can follow me @davidmeekart and I will gladly follow you in return.  I will also post links for where you can add your bid for the art that everyone is talking about.

Add your bid for the skull and guns here

and for this heart here.

Thanks for reading. Ill see ya at the shop.


Awesome Raffle Turnout!

Well its been one whole week since I’ve started raising money for my pal Dan Roberson. He was struck by a train on the 25th of august but is doing pretty damn good considering. The Tattoo Raffle i put together is in full swing. Ive sold over $200 dollars worth of tickets which is awesome. People keep coming in to donate. I’ve also got some original art finished up so bidding can begin on that today. As for the raffle, I’d like to get at least $500 donated by the end of the month. I hope everyone had a great labor day and is ready for fall to show its chilly face. I know i am. Riding a bike to work in 110 degree whether in jeans aint no joke. Thanks for reading and reposting.

this skull and guns painting is of one of Dans tattoos on his torso. Its a design from troy timpel that i reworked a little for the painting. Starting bid is $25 it is 9″x 12″ ink and watercolor.
This mum is 8″x10″ prisma marker and ink pencil on watercolor paper. Starting bid is $25.
the art auction will be silent and i will be taking bids through my facebook inbox.
Stay tuned for more art and updates on the current status of my pal. And Dont forget to check out my girlfriend Johnnas fundraiser for Dan through her website, for those of you looking for cute smelly good things for your house or early christmas gifts.

$400 Tattoo for only $20 bucks!!!

You heard right, Im giving away $400 worth of tattoo time with me, David Meek. Last Thursday, the 25th, my very good friend Dan Roberson was in an accident involving a train. He is currently in stable condition and awaiting further updates from the medical staff at Moses Cone Hospital in Greensboro, NC. He is the father of 3 month old baby Max. He is as good a friend as they come.

He was with me when I met my girlfriend Johnna, (who is also doing a Scentsy Wickless Candle Fundraiser, here, where she is donating all of her commissions sold for Dan.) He was there a year later when my our daughter graced the world with her presence. He was even there a year later for her 1st birthday which was in Ohio. He has been there for me a lot, and oddly enough 1 year later he is in need of me. The end of summer always has something in store. So here is how it works:

Tickets are $20 each or 3 for $50.
The Grand Prize is $400 worth of tatto time from me.( the tattoo is a one sitting tattoo)
Anyone that purchases a ticket though is eligible to receive $20 off any tattoo of $100 or more with me only!
For the Out of State Samaritans I will be uploading Original Art  as they are completed for auction. The starting bids will be $25 for original artwork.
The drawing will be held on September 30th 2011 and the art auctions will end the same day.
Thank you to everyone in advance. If you have any questions please contact me through my facebook page.

The Dan Roberson Benefit Tattoo Raffle

On August 25th, a dear friend of mine, Dan Roberson, was struck by a train. At this point his condition is stable but I still dont have a lot of details. He is a new father to 3 month old Max and this is not the ideal situation to find yourself in with an infant. He is in North Carolina and I am Tucson, quite a distance to make a difference, but Ill give it a go. Starting tomorrow I will be selling raffle tickets for $20. The prize is 400 dollars of my own tattoo time. The winner will be drawn at the end of the month. All the money raised will go straight to Dan. He will be out of work for 6-12 weeks and rent still needs to get paid, cellphones need to get paid. Diapers need to be bought and any of lifes other little necessities that might come his way.

My Girlfriend Johnna is also donating all of her commission from sales at her scentsy wickless candle fundraiser. You can order tons of cute stuff here and click on the Daniel Roberson Fundraiser or call her directly at 520-664-5533. Anything is appreciated and welcomed even kind words.

Thanks in advance for the support, and dont forget to take advantage of a getting a $400 Tattoo for $20 bucks. If you have any question regarding the raffle please contact me through my facebook page.

See you soon!

Free Art Delivered to Your Door

So its been a little bit since my last real post. Since then Ive relocated back to Tucson, am tattooing at Fastlane tattoo on Oracle. I worked the Lady Luck Tattoo Expo in Reno with Johnny Fry,Zane and Seth Liebowitz and Kevin Chasek. It was such a fun time, I look forward to working it next year with all those great guys.

I was also able to play host to another great friend Craig “Boxcar” Chazen, a tattooer from Buffalo New York. He stayed down here for a few days and tattooed my girlfriend Johnna, my friend Clint and myself. We also took him to Mexico where he ventured across by himself only to discover the true terrors of being an immigrant in reverse. haha. He is now safe and sound back in Buffalo minutes from the Canadian border and a great distance from our little border town of Nogales.
On the art front Ive also done a split sheet of Tucson themed  flash  with Clint S which we debuted at the Tucson Tattoo Expo. The response was great and very reassuring. We have sets available for $40 and that includes shipping anywhere in the U.S.
And Last but certainly not least I’ve decided to give myself a 30 day challenge. I will be hand painting an original 4×6 postcard everyday for 30 days. All you have to do is be the first one to send me an address and it will be in your mailbox within a couple of days. This is a project to keep me motivated and excited and I think I’m more excited to give it away to all my friends that have inspired me over the years or have supported my art. This project is for all of us. Well its been a great post, Id go into more detail but i’d be here for days.