Black and Grey Realistic Tattoos

Sweet compass rope and map tattoo I did at fast lane tattoo in Tucson Arizona
Cool Day of the dead Girl head and skull half sleeve cover up tattoo I did at fast lane tattoo in tucson arizona

Been very fortunate this year to do so many bad ass tattoos on my clients. Been loving these black and grey realistic portrait style tattoos! click HERE to schedule an appointment with me.

Summer tattoo contest

Im just about ready to launch my summer tattoo contest. Now is a great time to sign up for my list if you havent already. Its the only way you can be eligible to win let alone know when its gonna be. Checkout my Client Exclusives to learn a bit more.

Custom heart locket and key color foot tattoo by David Meek Tattoos at True Til Death Tattoo Company Ashtabula Ohio

Inkognito Tattoo Concealer

Well after many trials and formulas we have finally come up with a cosmetic tattoo coverup. I have personally been working on finding the right system for covering a tattoo for work, for  performing or for whatever you may need to conceal your tattoo for. It may seem wierd that a tattoo artist would promote covering tattoos but the reason is simple. I love tattoos. I love them so much that when somebody says they can’t get one, it makes me want them to have one even more. Usually its the people that just want a little something on their wrist or hand but occasionally you get those that want their necks tattooed. With this tattoo concealer you can get all the tattoos you dont want anyone to know about.

I have put it through some grueling tests and with many failures, Finally there is something I can be proud of. Feel free to check out the link and browse the products. If you have any questions regarding shades or shipping send us an email at


Inkognito Tattoo Concealer Covering a Tattoo
Some pretty good proof that this stuff is the best way to cover a tattoo with makeup cosmetics

I hope this new project is able to help those that thought getting a tattoo was hopeless. For the entrepreneurs that will work for themselves one day but today they need to cover. For the actors that have roles that may be better played with your tattoo hidden. For the bride whose decision to get a tattoo of the Mickeys Hornet on your shoulder when she was 18 may not match your elegant strapless dress. For the felon that wants to start over… Weve got you covered.


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Fun carousel tattoo done at fast lane tattoo

Did this carousel last week on my accountant. … she loves o urple and carousels. .. think we nailed this one!!! Contact me to set up an appointment

Instagram and Etsy Shop Free Painting Give Away

Im giving away a free painting!!! For those that have been asking I have finally decided to have a contest… Please follow me on Intstagram, and Repost the pic with #davidmeektattoos to enter. Ill pick the winner(or winners hehe) on May 1st 2015… Good luck and thanks for checking!

Happy Birthday Sailor Jerry


Today is Sailor Jerry’s birthday.  A legend among tattooers and a rum-maker amongst the rest of the world. I am lucky enough to have my own piece of Jerry’s history with a handcut acetate stencil I received from Shanghai Kate. The history of this little piece of plastic is more vast than I could ever know. How may sailors did it rest upon for a brief moment before the adrenaline and alcohol kick in. I’ve tattooed this stencil the way it was meant to be tattooed and Ive had it tattooed on me in the same fashion. Vaseline and carbon powder. Enough said. No sissy stencil papers and stencil solutions. Things were much different back then. Heres a peek for the know-it-alls  that think Norman Keith Collins was a rum maker and Ed Hardy is a shirt designer!  Youre Welcome

get your hands on a hard copy

David Meek

Fast Lane Tattoo

3801 N Oracle rd

Tucson Az


July 2014 Traditional Tattoos

Ive got to do a few really fun traditional pieces over the summer and cant wait to do more. Ive always loved making bold tattoos and paintings! I am taking appointments for Septmember  and October. use the conatact page for your appointment or to order prints or original artwork!


Fast Lane Tattoo

3801 N Oracle rd

Tucson Az 85705


traditional ship tattoo, arm tattoo, tough guy tattoos, tucson tattoo artist, tattooer, fast lane tattoo, david meek tattoos, tattoo art, brooklyn pete, tattooed men, keith b machine works, eternal ink, kingpin tattoo supply, bishop rotary
Traditional ship I got to do based on his dads tattoo from the 1940’s
Traditional couple tattoo, Thigh tattoo, girls with tattoos, cute tattoos, sexy tattoos, girly tattoos, tucson tattoo artist, fast lane tattoo, tattooer, keith b machineworks, bishop rotary, kingpin tattoo supply, eternal ink
Cute traditional couple I got to tattoo on an old neighbor of mine fro 6 years ago
traditional ship tattoo, real tattoos, brooklyn pete, old school tattooer
this was my customers fathers tattoo done by brooklyn pete in the 1940s
Traditional Rose Knee Tattoo, yellow Rose, David Meek Tattoos, Tucson Tattoo Artist, Tattooer, Fast Lane Tattoo, Girls with Tattoos, girly tattoos, cute tattoos, sexy tattoos Kieth b Machineworks, Bishop Rotary, Kingpin Tattoo Supply, Eternal Ink
Traditional Yellow Rose Knee Tattoo I did
Traditional butterfly tattoo, tucson tattoo artist, Fast Lane Tatt oo, Tucson Arizona, Inked girls, Keith B Machineworks, Bishop Rotary, Kingpin Tattoo Supply, Eternal Ink
traditional butterfly tattoo I did this summer

Art for sale

I recently just added a page on the website with artwork for sale. These are some of my favorites as of late and you’re gonna  love them. I do take commission projects as well so be sure to contact me here to get your next project started! Here are some that have sold recently

6x9 original watercolor spitshade tattoo flash painting by David Meek Tattoos of Fast Lane Tattoo in Tucson Arizona
SOLD!    6×9 original watercolor spitshade tattoo flash painting by David Meek Tattoos of Fast Lane Tattoo in Tucson Arizona
 6x9 original spitshade watercolor rose tattoo flash painting by David Meek Tattoos of Fast Lane Tattoo in Tucson Arizona
SOLD!! 6×9 original spitshade watercolor rose tattoo flash painting by David Meek Tattoos of Fast Lane Tattoo in Tucson Arizona