Tucson 4th Ave Street Fair and Oh yeah Im moving

This past weekend the family and I went down to one of Tucsons best traditions. The 4th Avenue Street Fair. I have been going to this event on and off for the last decade or so and it never dissapoints. Well maybe because I never have any real agenda other than to see the community come hang out in the streets for a few days. Beers in hand, roasted corn in the air and all the classic pop up carnival food tents in the background. And at center stage you have vendors and vendors and vendors galore. All hoping to share their unique little gifts on to the world. From homemade to repurposed and even some thoughtfully manufactured items can be found. Local artists in varying mediums from paints to yarn to sealife… Its so cool to look at. 

I found myself enjoying a pineapple cocktail for most of the day. and Yes, it was an actual pineapple that I continued to refill with only adult libations. And with that pineapple I discovered a really cool fact. If you want to make friends, carry around a pineapple with a straw and some garnish. Everybody wants to know the guy with a pineapple drink. If only for the moment they need to ask him where he got it… Instant ice breaker. People seem to lower their guard when talking to a man holding a pineapple drink. Im going to continue this experiment and carry a pineapple around wherever I go. Just to see if my hypothesis holds true. 

So considering all the cool stuff I got to see and the people I got to watch. This year was just as good as any other year. We also brought home some new friends. 4 new red little shrimp that contain themselves in their own ecosystem. SO meditative to watch these little creatures swim and eat and eat and swim.  They are a welcome addition to our home and we all love towatch them just be. 

And Oh yes lets not forget the title of this little bloggy thing. Im moving… DUN DUN DUUUUUN.  haha . Not to worry, Im just experiencing a little domestic relocation. The stresses that go along with a move are quite unique and tiresome and to be honest, I wish I was a minimalist everytime. But we will overcome. 

So no need to worry I was just sharing some life happenings. 

Its hard to do but its such a healthy neceesity to shed the past from your present. Going through ol boxes, being reminded of some great memories. And other items you come across may have now meaning at all. So why the hell do I have this…. Donate. Moving gives us an opportuninty to purge our collections that we seem to cherish until its time to relocate them. 

That actually might be my new mantra when buying something. Do I want to pack this up and move this?  Instead of this is so cool  I need this so bad…

Well thatll do for now. What do you think of community street fairs and moving? Leave a comment 


and if you are interested in any of my tattoo work fear not I  will still be working at Fast Lane Tattoo on Oracele Rd in Tucson.

Heres a pic of me tattooing an original sailor jerry acetate stencil of a rose.

Tucson Tattoos and Phoenix Marathons

Its been a crazy couple of weeks finishing up february and beginning March. Crazy in its type of activities rather than crazy in volume of activities, which is usually the case.


But maybe I should back up.

The last 8 months or so I’ve found myself being more deliberate with my time. My one most valuable asset. I’ve spent way more time being with my family rather than away and the feeling of gratitude is surging!

Ill have to post about my new adventures in meditation, running, reading(usually disney bio related or self educations.), floating, music, art and even hang gliding!


So back to my deliberate use of time.

I have spent years trading time for money. And I’ve learned that that is not a bad thing. It was the precise thing I needed to be doing. Especially since have a family that I am most certainly a part of. And part of those responsibilities include financial contributions. So work work work. Well maybe more tattoo tattoo tattoo. 

And if you think for a second I don’t love what I do, you’re crazy. I’m a punk rock kid at heart. I had a mohawk at my daughters first birthday. I’ve had jobs before tattooing. I made damn good money.  But being able to do things the way I want has always been part of the plan. Want a mohawk? Wear one. Want to be tattooed? Be tattooed. 

So as fate would have it, Tattooing showed it lovely face in my life. 

Now, the mantra of MY WAY has been poking around again. I’ve put my pole in the pond from sunup to sundown and sometimes longer to make tattoos on some of the raddest people I could ever expect to meet. And as I  grow skill, they grow in styles and size!


My appointment book has been steadily filling with more and more tattoos that really are some incredibly fun pieces. And I have been been practicing how to deliberately use my time.

I also gave myself the most enduring test of physical stress and mental stress by signing up to do a Half Maration (13.1 miles) in Mesa Arizona. I gave myself an official training season of 6 days. Now I clearly would never recommend that to anyone, and I know I’ll never ask that of me again. But the commitiment to participate for 5 years and I can’t fail myself. So this year, six days it was, and next year at least 3 months.

 It’s late. I dont care why I’m writing. All I know is Im enjoying it. I think I need to do a few more posts to get used to the directio of this. I wonder if I really show how the sausage is made, in my shop anyways,   there could be some small benefit to the tattoo world or the world in general. 

I kind of feel like these article s need to be longer. Or maybe I should ramble more, or no. Thats a bad idea. They will be as long as they need to be and nothing more. 

I am looking forward to this being my personal account of life as an evergrowing artist of life, tattooing, and creation be it art, memories, humans, and anything that Isn’t already here. 


I look forward to hearing from anyone that has some good books films unrelated reccomendations, comments, feedback, encouragement, or usable criticsims!

Black and Grey Realistic Tattoos

Sweet compass rope and map tattoo I did at fast lane tattoo in Tucson Arizona
Cool Day of the dead Girl head and skull half sleeve cover up tattoo I did at fast lane tattoo in tucson arizona

Been very fortunate this year to do so many bad ass tattoos on my clients. Been loving these black and grey realistic portrait style tattoos! click HERE to schedule an appointment with me.

How to find the right tattoo artist in 2016

Finding the right tattoo artist can be challenging. Espcecially if you’re new to tattoos and aren’t even sure how to start the process. This is for you. Or if you’ve moved to a new city and are looking for a new  tattoo artist, this is for you.

How to find the right tattoo artist Custom black and grey skull with headdress native girl back tattoo by david meek of fast lane tattoo in tucson arizona with kingpin tattoo supply
Skull wearing a headdress. Hey how are ya hey how are ya

So you want to get a tattoo. Awesome. Tattoos are freaking rad… Well, not all tattoos. Some tattoos look like they were wiped on by a blind dinosaur. And then some look like Michealengelo himself came back from the dead to do an entire arm.

But where do you even begin. Everyone you’ve seen probably has a tattoo. Every street has a dozen shops and every channel has a tattoo show.

Start as close to you as possible.

Become more aware of your coworkers and classmates or family members ink. Pay attention to who has tattoos all around you. What do you like about them? Is it the color? the flowiness? the placement?

Ask to look at their work. People love to show off their tattoos. Thats why we get em!!

Ask where they got it and who did the work.

Ask everybody.

After a bit of this you’ll probably start to hear some of the same names and shops be mentioned.

Hit the web… Its time to check out what random strangers have said about the artists and shops you’ve heard from your friends family and coworkers.

Take internet reviews with a grain of salt. Mostly dissatisfied people will be the first to yell from the clock tower. you can find a great list of tattoo artsits all over the world here or here

Now hit the streets.

Go visit the shops and  tattoo artists you’ve heard all about. Walk in the shops and check out the vibe of the building. The lighting, the music, the floors, the walls, the whole enchilada. Make sure they take pride in where they operate. It can be a little one person shop but do they care about where they work. How do you feel? Comfy? thats good…

Next you want to ask about porfolios and examples of work. This is where you can get a good feel for what each artist wants to do. These are examples of the tattoos they are most proud of and think that you will enjoy. *you can save yourself a trip to the shop for this part if you look up the tattoo artist or the shop on Instagram, facebook or other social media outlets.* This is also the time to look really close at the work they are putting out. Are the lines clean crisp and consisten? Are the colors bright vibrant and well saturated in the skin?  Are the shades of color or grey smooth or choppy? These are very important details. If the work is good, the price will be well worth it. If the price seems like a bargain be very skeptical of the work they are producing. The old adage is still fairly accurate ” A good tattoo isn’t cheap and a cheap tattoo isn’t good.”

Introduce yourself to the tattoo artists you like. Get a feel for them as people. Who knows, if you start to really like tattoos, you might be spending a lot of time with this person. Use your best judgment as far as sincerity is concerned. I can’t help you if you’re a sucker for a fast talker.

I am by no means the best tattoo artist in the world but I make sure my customers are treated well and their tattoos are executed well every time. And I try to have as much fun in the process. but thats just me…

Repeat the process of going to shops chatting with the artists until you know exactly who will do the tattoo you need the best.

Dont’ expect the tattoo artists to draw your tattoo out for you. Don’t ask them to work for free so you can think about it. Thats what the portfolio is for. If you like what they have done in the past, you will love what they can do for you.

For larger projects the tattoo artist will need to take a deposit to hold your spot in their schedule. It also shows your dedication to getting tattooed. If we had a dollar for everyone that said “trust me, I’ll be here” we probably wouldnt have to tattoo anymore.

You can ask about sterile tools. Its never a bad idea. Any reputable shop won’t have any problem with showing you their equipment and its pretty much a non issue anymore. The days of old needles are long gone.

So thats where I would start. Do some research and take your time with it. Good things come to those who are willing to put in the work.

And by no means ever should you go to a tattoo artist that doesn’t work in a tattoo shop. There is a reason they aren’t  working in a shop.

If I missed anything let me know in the comments. Its too easy  not to get a good tattoo these days!


Summer tattoo contest

Im just about ready to launch my summer tattoo contest. Now is a great time to sign up for my list if you havent already. Its the only way you can be eligible to win let alone know when its gonna be. Checkout my Client Exclusives to learn a bit more.

Custom heart locket and key color foot tattoo by David Meek Tattoos at True Til Death Tattoo Company Ashtabula Ohio

Inkognito Tattoo Concealer

Well after many trials and formulas we have finally come up with a cosmetic tattoo coverup. I have personally been working on finding the right system for covering a tattoo for work, for  performing or for whatever you may need to conceal your tattoo for. It may seem wierd that a tattoo artist would promote covering tattoos but the reason is simple. I love tattoos. I love them so much that when somebody says they can’t get one, it makes me want them to have one even more. Usually its the people that just want a little something on their wrist or hand but occasionally you get those that want their necks tattooed. With this tattoo concealer you can get all the tattoos you dont want anyone to know about.

I have put it through some grueling tests and with many failures, Finally there is something I can be proud of. Feel free to check out the link and browse the products. www.inognitotattooconcealer.com. If you have any questions regarding shades or shipping send us an email at info@inkognitoconcealer.com


Inkognito Tattoo Concealer Covering a Tattoo
Some pretty good proof that this stuff is the best way to cover a tattoo with makeup cosmetics

I hope this new project is able to help those that thought getting a tattoo was hopeless. For the entrepreneurs that will work for themselves one day but today they need to cover. For the actors that have roles that may be better played with your tattoo hidden. For the bride whose decision to get a tattoo of the Mickeys Hornet on your shoulder when she was 18 may not match your elegant strapless dress. For the felon that wants to start over… Weve got you covered.


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Fun carousel tattoo done at fast lane tattoo

Did this carousel last week on my accountant. … she loves o urple and carousels. .. think we nailed this one!!! Contact me to set up an appointment

Instagram and Etsy Shop Free Painting Give Away

Im giving away a free painting!!! For those that have been asking I have finally decided to have a contest… Please follow me on Intstagram, and Repost the pic with #davidmeektattoos to enter. Ill pick the winner(or winners hehe) on May 1st 2015… Good luck and thanks for checking!

Happy Birthday Sailor Jerry


Today is Sailor Jerry’s birthday.  A legend among tattooers and a rum-maker amongst the rest of the world. I am lucky enough to have my own piece of Jerry’s history with a handcut acetate stencil I received from Shanghai Kate. The history of this little piece of plastic is more vast than I could ever know. How may sailors did it rest upon for a brief moment before the adrenaline and alcohol kick in. I’ve tattooed this stencil the way it was meant to be tattooed and Ive had it tattooed on me in the same fashion. Vaseline and carbon powder. Enough said. No sissy stencil papers and stencil solutions. Things were much different back then. Heres a peek for the know-it-alls  that think Norman Keith Collins was a rum maker and Ed Hardy is a shirt designer!  Youre Welcome

get your hands on a hard copy

David Meek

Fast Lane Tattoo

3801 N Oracle rd

Tucson Az
