Reflecting on 2021 and the planning 2022

Holy cow, can you even believe we made it this far? Its been one of the weirdest years since, well last year haha.

From storming the Capitol, to new virus variants, mask and no mask debates, the supply chain going kerplooey, and everything in between that we all dealt with in our own ways… its a miracle we made it this far.

But I’m a eternal optimist. I love a challenge. I love trying to maintain positivity while the world burns down around me. I love changing my perspective to find a solution. Well, I don’t love changing my perspective all that much haha.

That being said I found a lot of opportunities to stay positive this past year. I discovered some new mentors via Instagram that really had a profound impact on how I lived this year.

Continue reading “Reflecting on 2021 and the planning 2022”

What to bring to your first tattoo!

Every week, it seems I get the pleasure of giving someone their first tattoo.

And whats wild.

Its not just the youngsters and college crowd anymore.

I’ve actually noticed a lot of older clients getting their first tattoos these day.

And why not? You’ve worked hard. You’ve made a good living. And who cares what anybody thinks.

Its completely normal to be a little nervous about getting your first tattoo. At any age.

Hell, I still get nervous about getting tattooed. But maybe its cause I’m a big ol softy these days.

If you’re new to tattoos, check out my page NEW CLIENTS to get more comfortable with the my process. Some artists may do things different but this is how I get 5 star results every time! (Seriously, check out my google reviews)

If you’ve already booked an appointment and are still asking yourself ” What should I bring to my first tattoo?”

I’ve made a quick list of some essentials to bring to your first tattoo appointment.

Continue reading “What to bring to your first tattoo!”

Is it safe to get a tattoo during Covid-19?

Is it safe to get tattooed?

Are tattoo shops a safe place?

Well it all depends on where you go I suppose. As it is with any business. 

So, is it safe to get a tattoo during a pandemic? 

I for one think yes! But there are some things you need to consider.

I’ve heard stories of some shops here in Tucson cramming artists and clients into a shared space… while that doesn’t sound too bad, it totally increases the chances of a small blood borne pathogen transmission, or in times like today a viral airborne or contact spread incident. 

That’s a risk I’d rather avoid. My personal clientele and that of my shop are higher end folks that are accustomed to a personal experience where their health is the highest priority. I charge premium prices compared to most tattoo artists in Tucson and so, the experience we offer, reflects how serious we take health and safety. 

I’ve had a few clients think we are a bit over the top with our sterilizing practices, but that’s ok with me. The majority value what we offer for them! And that, in my opinion, is how all successful businesses run!

Continue reading “Is it safe to get a tattoo during Covid-19?”

Hiring Tattoo Artists isnt easy

Its me doing what I do best.

Its seems to me that every single tattoo shop is experiencing unprecedented boom times. So much so that Im seeing post after post on multiple tattoo shop social media pages announcing that they are hiring. I admit, even I have put out the help wanted call for my shop Art and Sol.

As of this writing, Im currently booking for spring of 2021 which is a bit hectic when trying to consider birthdays, holidays, weekend getaways with the family, school breaks etc etc.

Continue reading “Hiring Tattoo Artists isnt easy”

Art and Sol Tattoo is Turning 1

Holy freakin moly, what a year its been. We opened up Art and Sol Tattoo Gallery in October 2019. With stars in our eyes, and hope in our hearts that this was going to be something special. Well… who could have predicted one of the craziest events in modern history.. you know the whole Covid 19 thing. Well, despite the obstacles, we have pushed on and leaned into the wind as it were. While it hasnt been easy for anyone of us, it sure will be memorable.

My personal philosophy was that this was the best thing for small businesses. It created an opportunity to grow and innovate in new ways. The playing field has been leveled and while others wait for a return to normal, Im playing offense and pushing harder than ever before.

Our shop is growing with new energy from our shop helpers (soon to be tattoo apprentices) and new clients!

We are working on making everything we do the best it can be…. which reminds me of a quote… How you do anything is how you do everything. And we are setting the bar higher for ourselves in everything.

October will be 1 year of many. That isnt even a question. But our first year is a testament to our resolve.

Im working on figuring out how we can celebrate the shops birthday together and really make it special. Which, given the circumstances, it will undoubtably be.

If you would like to participate shoot the shop an email

If you want to be featured in our birthday video, send us a happy birthday video to

Stay tuned for more!!


Best Tucson Tattoo Artist

Hey all, great news, for the 3rd year in a row, I’ve been included as a finalist in The Tucson Weekly’s Best of Tucson. Its something that truly makes me proud. I love Tucson. And to be included with really amazing tattoo artists is quite an honor. I love to make Tucson a better place by making tattoos for the people of this community.

Tucson Weeklys Best of Tucson

HERES THE LINK TO VOTE FOR ME ! and your other favorite Tucson businesses!

If youre looking to collect some work from me, you can shoot the shop a text to book a consultation. 520-314-7358

Right now Im booked about 4-5 months out but theres always random opportunities to get in!

its me

Best of Tucson is back!!

Its that wonderful time of year! The Tucson Weekly is accepting nominations for the best of Tucson. Ive been fortunate to be nominated in the top 5 for Best Tattoo Artist the last couple years and would love to keep the streak alive! If youve been lucky enough to have been tattooed in my new shop Art and Sol Tattoo Gallery, then you know all to well that it is the best place to get tattooed in Tucson. If you haven’t, well, we eagerly await you coming down. Not only is the shop super clean and inviting, we also host amazing local artists every month (pandemic permitting) in our gallery space.

Click hereto begin nominating now

Nominations for Best Tattoo Shop and Best Tattoo Artist in Tucson: Art and Sol Tattoo Gallery and David Meek

Art and Sol Tattoo CoVid Closure

Well, here I am, finally writing about the current situation for us at the shop. Its not my favorite thing, but thats ok. 

As per Mayor Romero, non-essential businesses are to be closed by 8am this morning. 

Molly has been home isolating for a few days now and we are happy to join you and her in isolation. 

Johnna and I have been talking about this for days on end. Each morning we wake up and check what we call the “damage report”

Its not an ideal way to start the day, but it eliminated alot of confusion that can occur with social media and media outlets. 

our favorites are the

World Health Organization
Pima County
City of Tucson
the office of Governor Ducey

So as of today we are officially closed for appointments until at least the 17th of April.

Johnna and I plan to shoot some texts to everyone that will be affected between now and then. 

Our plan as of now is to get all of our drawings and design work done, so when this is leveled out and we can have you back in the shop, we will fit you in however and wherever we can!

I am still doing  virtual consultations for tattoos, but am booking for august as of now. we can use skype ,google hangouts, messenger, or IG as of now.

So thats the main news here. Im hoping that you are doing well and are able to stay safe if you have to work or stay sane if you are stuck at home.

Our little family just discovered how much we love rock climbing and its killing us not to get over to the rock gym. But we arent sick so we have to be grateful for the right things instead of bummed about the things we cant do.

You have to know that I am a chronic optimist. I try to find the opportunity and  drive  in most instances…. and this no different. My wheels have been turning for weeks now. 

Ill be bringing back The Tattooers Podcast next week, so stay tuned for that…( send me questions youd like to have answered or tattoo artists youd like to know more about)

We want to do everything we can to stay open after all of this. 

What kinds of things can we do for you?
Limited run T-shirts?
live drawing?
Drawing tutorials?

Send me any and all suggestions. I am game to work on things that will make you happy!!

Johnna will be teaching online yoga classes out of the shop too! you can find her on Instagram for now but a youtube channel is in the near future. 

Ill wrap this thing up for now, but just know that we are so grateful for you. Art and Sol is a big part of my life, and it wouldnt exist if people like you didnt support it. 

So for now, on behalf of Johnna, Molly and Myself, Thank you for everything, and we will see you soon.. online or in person!


L-R: Johnna Warren, David Meek, Molly Jaffee in front of Tucsons best tattoo shop Art and Sol Tattoo Gallery

Art and Sol Tattoo Gallery in Tucson is open

Hi Tucson, how are ya? have you been well? thats great… me too. 2019 has been one heck of a ride. Ive been able to do some really fun things this year. One of which was planning and marrying my sweetheart of the last 11 years. Hard to think we could squeeze any more into a 12 month period but I’m trying hahaha.

No signs yet but heres the building and home of Art and Sol Tattoo Gallery in Tucson Arizona

In fact, its already happened. We made the decision to expand our private studio and create a bigger environment that many artists could use to cultivate their artistic and personal dreams.

Art and Sol Tattoo Gallery is just that. Our little utopian tattoo studio. But not only that. We will also host new local artists each month.

Heres the inside view of Art and Sol Tattoo Gallery. So comfy and cozy…. Check out those floors!

Tucson is filled with 2 of my favorite things. Art and Sunshine ( and tacos)… hence the spelling of sun in our name. So maybe its like 3 things but it doesnt roll of the tongue the same way.

We’ve also added a new website, instagram, Facebook blah blah blah your favorite social media. Ill link to them so you can follow the ones you love.

what else? oh, i almost forgot… We are now offering permanent makeup and paramedical tattooing by appointment. In my opinion she is one of the best cosmetic tattooers in the tucson and you know how picky I am. or if you don’t, just know that i am.

Our first gallery artist is a dear friend that I happen to have 3 paintings in my personal collection Wallace Book… so it was a no brainer to have him show in our gallery first. You need to come down to the gallery to see his work, or if you cant make it, check him out on social media.

Ill keep you posted here but you can also check out our new shop site to get to know the other artists and all the activities we have planned each month. Ill let you know when thats ready. Til then you can follow all the news @artandsoltattoo on Instagram and Wallace Book @wbookart as well as our new artists @off_tatt_molly and @raemorgan315

Hope we see you soon… like real soon. like October 25th at 6pm soon.

Back from the Honeymoon and its the last day to vote for Best Tattoo Artist in Tucson.

Im Back. Wow, what a trip. The whole month of July has just flown by. In fact this whole year is cruisin.

The honeymoon was a huge success. We started with a day trip to Disneyland which is probably no surprise to some of you. After all, we did get engaged in the elusive Club 33 and got married on Walt and Lillians wedding anniversary, so why not start the honeymoon with a guided tour in Walts footsteps ending in Walts famed apartment above the firehouse.

It was incredible. To be able to share that space with other Walt enthusiasts was pure Disney Magic. We also checked out Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge which left me vibrating after my smugglers run adventure. The whole area is a must see.

Great shot of the Carnival Splendor with Lee your Cruise Director somewhere aboard

We followed it up with a 7 day Mexican Riviera Carnival Cruise. Its both relaxing and quite demanding. Im still trying to recover from a small cold I had on the honeymoon, while my wife feels like shes still on the boat….

Once I get more pictures from both of our phones Ill post a bit more.

David Meek best tucson tattoo artist nominee for the Tucson Weekly's Best of Tucson 2019
The Tucson Weekly Best of Tucson 2019 Best Tattoo Artist Nominee David Meek

But alas, the rest of this post is a reminder that today is the last day to vote for Best Tattoo Artist in the Tucson Weekly’s Best of Tucson. Im lucky to have been nominated to the top 5 for 2 years in a row but c’mon, winning would be so cool hahaha.

You can cast your votes by clicking here or you can click the button below.

No matter the outcome Im so happy to be home, Im so happy to have so many wonderful clients that trust me to make fun tattoo memories, and Im so happy to be married.

Now its time to get back to work!

Did you take any trips this summer? Im thinking maybe a mountain getaway next? any recomendations?
