Its been a busy summer in the studio. Im always grateful for that. Add to the mix a wedding and a honeymoon in July and well… Im sure you can appreciate the workload.
This on top of owning a tattoo studio, being a present father, and husband to be.
But tomorrow is the 4th of July. one of my favorite holidays. A day off, yes. But also a day I get to spend with my girls and my friends all at the same time.
Ill also make sure to have The Patriot basically on repeat until I take my evening slumber, my body filled with domestic beers and meats cooked to perfection over an open flame. My eyes and ears still dancing to the sparkles that represent our freedom to drink those beers and cook those meats.
But also… The freedom to be me. To own a tattoo studio in Tucson… Hell, to be able to do tattoos for a living…
To have clean hot water at a moments notice. To have macaroni and cheese from a box, or a food truck.
Theres a ton of things Im guilty of taking for granted. But on the 4th of July, they are ever present.
So many times I hear folks talk about American Freedom, but sometimes they dont understand what we are free from. What oppression really means. How in some places I wouldnt be able to write these words, click a button and share my thoughts. Whether I could start a business. Or as simple as have hot running water on demand. Or as complicated as … welll.. as complicated as having the very real conversation that perhaps not everyone in our country shares the same freedoms.
Im gonna leave this right here on the internet. Just so my piece is said. I hope all americans have a safe and happy 4th of July. Free of oppression from any outside forces. May you embrace your family and be grateful to be living in this great nation and allow others to do the exact same thing.
Im off to the grill, there are meats that need tending, 12oz beverages that need a home and some friends that need some smiles.