New Client? Start Here

If you are looking for a Black and Grey Tattoo Artist in Tucson, I believe you are in the right place!

Let me walk you through my process so there is absolutely zero confusion when we work together. I want us to be 100% on the same page before we do anything. From design to price to how many sessions, to whatever.

If this is your first tattoo, CONGRATS. If its your 100th, CONGRATS. Im here for it! So lets move on shall we?

First Things First, Second Things Second

I’ve been tattooing since 2007. Yup, thats not a typo. I have seen damn near every style come in and out of fashion since then. Lately I’ve been focusing on large realistic black and grey tattoos while running my studio Art and Sol Tattoo Gallery in midtown Tucson.

If you are looking for realistic black and grey tattoos. I think we are off to a great start.

Now that you know what kind of tattoos you want, I hope you have seen some of my work and thought “Eureka, I’ve found my next tattoo wizard!”

If you haven’t you can check out my work on my portfolio page or follow me on Instagram.


So you’ve seen my work, you like my work and you want to get tattooed by me.

The first thing we need to do is sit down for an in person consultation. This is the time where we can talk about your ideas in great detail.

I meet with clients every Tuesday from 1p-6pm .

I’ll have the ability to ask questions about placement, size and any other details that might come up. I never try to push my clients one way or another unless its just a plain old bad idea.

If its something I’m not currently working on ( watercolor, full color sleeve etc) I will do my best to point you toward the artist I think will do the best job. My goal is to make sure you get the best tattoo possible.

Even if I’m not the one to do it.

Moving on.

During the tattoo consultation, we will draw, sketch out and plan your whole tattoo idea. (If you have references please share them during the consult) We will even talk pricing and plan out how many sessions we will need.

If you are feeling good about everything we talked about. Then its time for the deposit and the scheduling.

The deposit is a non refundable $100 and comes off the last session of the tattoo.